Equipment & Software Information
All equipment and software usage is restricted to undergraduate and graduate education. Equipment may NOT be used for research. Department shared research resources are available here.
Biological & Chemical
Analytical Balances
Analytical Balance (MS104S) by Mettler Toledo. Self-calibrating mass balances. Up to 7 significant figures. Capacity: 120 g. Minimum: 0.1 mg.
Autopipettor / Pipette Filler
Autopipettors / Pipette filler by ThermoFisher. An automatic pipettor for macroscale liquid handling.
Bake Oven
Bake oven (Isotemp 500) by Fisher Scientific. A bake oven for the drying of glassware or for the curing steps of chemical reactions. Can also be used as an incubator, though it is not the intended use.
See instructions on machine.
Biosafety Cabinets
Biosafety Cabinet (SterilGard Advance III) by The Baker Company. For sterile culture of cells and tissues.
Manual (Start up and usage information are on pages 10-12)
Centra CL2 by Centra. A centrifuge with swinging-bucket rotor for the centrifugations of 15 mL and 50 mL centrifuge tubes. Four tube capacity. Speed Range: 1000-3175 RPM; Max RCF: 1750 x g; Max Capacity: 200 mL (4 x 50 mL).
Centrifuge (Micro)
Microcentrifuge (166-0602) by Bio-Rad. A microcentrifuge for the centrifugation of 1.5 - 2.0 µL samples. Has an attachment for the centrifugation of PCR tubes as well. Speed Range: 1000-14000 RPM.
Centrifuge (Mini)
Minicentrifuge (166-0603) by Bio-Rad. A minicentrifuge for the centrifugation of 1.5 - 2.0 µL samples. Has attachments for the centrifugation of PCR tubes as well. Fixed speed: 6000 RPM.
See notes on machine.
CO2 Manifold
CO2 manifold (BIHL-4-2) by Western Innovator. A gas regulator for the Fisher Scientific 1325526 incubator ; this machine regulates the gas pressure from gas tanks in the main lab to create an atmosphere of specific composition in the incubator.
Conductivity Meters
Conductivity meter (Model 1056) by Amber Science. A device that measures the conductance of liquids pumped through it. Output is read in mV. Electrodes/probe/cell is Model 535.
Using the Conductivity Meters in the Lab
Conductivity Probes
Conductivity Probe by Vernier. A device that determines the ionic content of an aqueous solution by measuring its conductivity. Can be measured in voltage or conductance depending on the need.
Using the Conductivity Probe in the Lab
Dry Bath
Single-block modular dry bath (Thermolyne Type 17600 Dri-Bath) by Barnstead International. Provides controlled source of dry heat for chemical and biological samples.Â
Electrophoresis Equipment (E-Gel)
E-Gel Precast Agarose Electrophoresis System by Introgen. Used for quickly visualizing DNA using blue light instead of UV. Precast agarose gels are available (0.8% 16 well & 1.2% 12 well).
Electrophoresis Equipment (Horizontal)
Horizontal electrophoresis equipment by Bio-Rad. Electrophoresis equipment for DNA, including PowerPac power supplies, Mini-Sub GT Gel-boxes and casting supplies with 8 and 15 well combs.
Mini-Sub GT Gel Box and Casting Manual with Sample Protocols
Electrophoresis Equipment (Vertical)
Vertical electrophoresis equipment by Bio-Rad. Electrophoresis equipment for protein, including PowerPac power supplies, Mini-Protean 2/3 Gel-boxes and casting supplies.
Mini-Protean 3 Manual with Sample Protocols
Fume Hoods
Fume hood (SafeAire) by Fisher Hamilton. Fume hood, for the handling of liquids or solids that produce noxious fumes or other phenomena hazardous to human health.
Hot Plates with Stirrers
Hot plates with a magnetic stirrers by Corning. Can be used to heat liquids and solids, or to make solutions. Model PC-620 with analog controls, Model PC-420D with digital controls.
Ice Machine
Ice machine (QD-0132A) by Manitowoc. An ice machine for the constant generation of laboratory ice. NOT for consumption.
Incubator (CO2)
CO2 Incubator (Isotemp) by Fisher Scientific. An incubator intended for cell and tissue culture. Atmosphere composition and temperature can be controlled.
Incubator (Mini)
Mini-incubator (166-0501) by Bio-Rad. A compact 120V incubator for growing bacteria. Includes adjustable shelf, alcohol thermometer, and over-temperature protection. Capacity: eighty 6.5 cm culture plates. (Temperature Range: Room Temp to 60°C).
See notes on machine.
Microscopes (Non-Inverted Light)
Non-Inverted light microscope (Eclipse Ei) by Nikon and Digital Sight 1000 camera by Nikon. Can be used for the visualization of cells and other objects in the microscale visible spectrum. Imaging can be done with the Digital Sight camera and portable monit(shown in last photo.
Microwaves for the quick heating of liquids and gels, and for defrosting of samples of frozen substances. Not for food use.
Orbital Shakers
Digital orbital shaker (Sea Star) by Heathrow Scientific. A benchtop shaker for mixing solutions contained in laboratory vessels.
PCR Thermocycler
PCR Thermocycler (MyCycler) by Bio-Rad. A PCR machine, used to carry out polymerase chain reaction. Can be programmed to accommodate different PCR protocols. Allows temperature
Peristaltic Pumps
Peristaltic pump (Minipuls 3) by Gilson and (Dynamax) by Rainin. Peristaltic pumps for liquid handling. Pump heads can hold four tubes. Head speed is 0.01 to 48 rpm with flow rates of 0.3 ÎĽL/min to 40 mL/min.
Peristaltic Pumps (Fisher)
Minipump by Fisher Scientific. A small bidirectional, self-priming peristaltic pump. Medium Flow Model (Operable Range: 0.4 to 85.0 mL/min).
Minipump (Digital) Manual & Specs
Pump setup and Debugging Guide
pH Meters
pH Meters (AB15 & AR15/17) by Accumet. A device used to measure the pH of aqueous solutions.
Using the Accumet AR15 pH Meter in the lab
pH Meter (AB15 & AR15/17) Manual
pH Meter (H1981037) by Hanna Instruments. A device used to measure skin and scalp pH.
Refrigerator & Freezer
Refrigerator and Freezer (Isotemp) by Fisher Scientific. A refrigerator designed for the storage of biological samples and reagents. Refrigerator operates at 4 °C, while Freezer operates at -20 °C.
Scales / Mass balance
Mass balances/scales (CS2002) by Ohaus. A portable mass balance. Up to 3 significant figures. Capacity: 2000 g. Minimum: 1 g.
Shaker Incubators
Orbital shaker incubators (MaxQ 4450) by Thermo Scientific. These incubators can be used for the culture of bacteria in liquid or solid media, during which agitation is required. Speed (Range: 15-500 RPM) and Temperature (Range: Room Temp.+ 5 °C - 80 °C) are user-controlled.
Spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad)
Spectrophotometer (SmartSpec Plus) by Bio-Rad. A versatile single-well spectrophotometer that can be used to take OD600 readings, Absorbance, UV, and many more. Absorbance λ Range: 200-800 nm.
Spectrophotometer (Vernier)
Spectrophotometer (SpectroVis Plus) by Vernier. Spectrophotometers for the measurement of properties of emission wavelengths from various samples. Absorbance λ Range: 380-950 nm. Can also measure fluorescence at 405 nm or 500 nm. LoggerPro Software required (available on all Lab PCs).
Using the SpectroVis and Software in the lab
Manufacturer's information and videos
Syringe Pumps
Syringe pump by Firsher Scientific. Pumps for the handling of automatic dispensation from syringes of various sizes.
Using the Syringe pump in the lab
Transilluminator (UV)
UV Transilluminator (UV Transilluminator 2000) by Bio-Rad. A device that projects UV light through an object. Used primarily for the imaging of gels. UV shield included; all users must wear face masks!
Using the Bio-Rad UV Transilluminator in the lab
Transilluminator Imaging System (UV)
UV Transilluminator Imaging system (FOTO/Phoresis) by FOTODYNE, Inc. A digital camera hood packaged with a UV Transilluminator.
Using the Fotodyne UV Transilluminator Imaging System in the lab
Vacuum Desiccator
Bel-Art Vacuum Desiccator by Fisher Scientific. Used to degas liquids.
Vortexers (BR2000) by Bio-Rad. A vortex designed for the mixing of liquids in 1.5 µL to 50 mL tubes.
See notes on machine.
Water Bath
Water baths (Isotemp 205) by Fisher Scientific. A water bath, used for the thawing of frozen substances, or for the regulation of temperature. The temperature range is from ambient to 60 °C with the cover open and ambient to 100 °C with the cover closed.
Electrical & Data Acquisition
Active Filter (UAF42)
Active Filter Integrated circuit (UAF42). It can create a series of different filter types.
Filter42 software (.exe file for 16 bit DOS machines or with an emulator)
Analog Discovery 2
Analog Discovery 2 by Digilent (a National Instruments company) provides electronic benchtop functionality. The device has a 2-channel oscilloscope and 2-channel waveform generator. It has a programmable power supply of +/- 5 Volts. The device uses the Waveforms software to operate (available for both the Mac & Windows PC).
Reference guide along with tutorials
Arduino Uno & MKR WiFi 1010
Arduino Uno and the MKR WiFi 1010 are Arduino boards which uses the Arduinio development platform. The lab has units which can be borrowed. Starter Kits are available for classes. The Arduino software is available at all of the lab computers. Note that the MKR Wifi 1010 runs on 3.3 V and will likely need level shifting when interfacing with 5 V sensors and actuators. When using an Arduino in the lab you MUST connect to the PCs using a USB hub (example) to prevent damaging the computer. It is strongly encouraged that you do the same when using an Arduino using your own computer.
Arduino Programming Notebook (2007)
Introduction to Arduino: A Piece of Cake (2011)
Arduino Workshop for Beginners (External Site)
MKR Wifi 1010 Troubleshooting tips
Level Shifting options in the Lab (From our Electronics Tutorial)
Biopac Data Acquisition System & Sensors
Biopac Data acquisition system (MP36) & Sensors by Biopac. The physical interface between the BIOPAC software and sensors. Four channels and an electrode check are included. All lab PCs have the BIOPAC software installed. A number of sensors are available.
Using the Biopac software in the lab, sample.gtl file, sample.acq file
DAQ Boards (myDAQ)
Data Acquisition, or DAQ Boards, (myDAQ) by National Instruments. Used for interface between PCs (using either LabView, Matlab, or other software) and hardware/circuitry. Analog Input: +/-10V with a sampling rate of 200kS/s. Digital I/O are 3.3V LVTTL and are tolerant to 5V inputs. Digital output is not compatible with 5 V CMOS. Contains a +/-15V & +5V power source. In conjunction with the NI ELVISmx Software (available for free on the NI website), the device can be used as a Digital Multimeter, Function Generator, Bode Analyzer, Oscilloscope, etc. On BE lab PCs, the ELVISmx software can be accessed through Start >> All Programs >> BE ugrad lab software >> NI ELVISmx for myDAQ >> NI ELVISmx Instruments.Â
NI myDAQ Support information with User Guides
Installation Guide for setting up the myDAQ on your own laptop (Windows PCs Only)
Using the myDAQ as measurement and signal generation tools
Using the myDAQ and LabVIEW to control an LED
Matlab-myDAQ Interface Tutorial
Electrical Test Cables
The BE labs have a variety of electrical test cables available.Â
IR Power Meter
IR power meter (LS122) by Linshang. The device is used to measure the intensity of IR light
M-3800 multimeter by Metex (pictured left), DDM640 multimeter by Dawson (pictured center), or 890Z by Crenova (pictured right). Multimeter can measure voltage, current, resistance, etc.
M-3800 Manual (yellow)
DDM640 Manual (red)
Crenova 890Z relevant functions (Orange)
Oscilloscope/Signal Generator (DS212)
Mini Oscilloscope and signal generator (Miniware DS212). This device can operate as a signal generator and oscilloscope.
Related section on our electronics tutorial
Power Supply (Variable DC)
VARIABLE DC power supply (9902PS) by MPJA. A single output DC power supply, for applications in circuit design and analysis. 120VAC input. Output: 3V, 4.5V, 6V, 7.5V, 9V, 12VDC @ 2000mA.
Prepare your power supplies to provide +12, -12, and 0 V
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Fabrication Device (Voltera)
PCB fabrication device (V-One PCB Printer) by Voltera. This device can be used to quickly make double sided PCBs for surface mount and through hole components. The device can also be used to reflow PCBs and can be used for flexible PCBs.
Raspberry Pi (Various models)
Raspberry Pi v3, 4, and Zero. Various accessories available as well (touchscreens, cameras, etc).Â
Connecting the Raspberry Pi to the Lab Monitors
Raspberry Pi setup and use - Basic setup and use (External Site)Â
Raspberry Pi setup and documentation (External Site)
Raspberry Pi and Analog to Digital conversion - Option 1 (Adafruit site)Â
Raspberry Pi and Analog to Digital conversion - Option 2 (Adafruit site)
Learn Linux through the Raspberry Pi (Adafruit site)
Soldering Equipment (Hakko)
Soldering Iron (FX-951) by Hakko. A soldering iron; used to create permanent contacts between disparate electrical components. Fume extractors are available.
Drill (Battery-Powered)
Battery powered drill (DC930 & DCD791D2) by DeWalt. If you have never used a power drill before, please contact the lab staff before using. Drill bits can be checked out from the lab office.
How to use a drill video for beginners (5 minutes)
How to use a drill video (8 minutes)
Orbital Sander (Circular)
Corded DeWalt Circular Sander. If you have never used a sander before, please contact the lab staff before using.Â
How to use a sander video for beginners (5 minutes)
Rotary Drill (Corded)
Corded rotary drill (2305) by Wen, often incorrectly called a Dremel. If you have never used a rotary drill before, please contact the lab staff before using.
How to use a Dremel video (YouTube)
Bits and Accessory guide video (YouTube)
Instron Pneumatic Pump
Pneumatic pump by GDW Vacuum Technology, Inc. Used to provide pneumatic pressure for the Instron grips used in tensile testing. 30-45 psi is the safe range of activity for this pump.
Instron Test Frame (Model 4444)
Uniaxial mechanical tester (Model 4444) by Instron. Different attachments provide for tensile testing and 3-point bending. Connected to computer equipped with Bluehill interface software. Older model. Two systems are available, one with a 2KN load cell and the other with a 500N load cell.Â
Using the Instron Test System in the Lab
Instron Test Frame (Model 5544)
Uniaxial mechanical tester (Model 5544) by Instron. Different attachments provide for tensile testing and 3-point bending. Connected to computer equipped with Bluehill interface software. Newer model. Uses a 2KN load cell.
Using the Instron Test System in the Lab
Laser Cutter
VLS 3.50 by Universal Laser Systems. Laser cutter for cutting sheets of materials. This device has a 50 W laser and bed size of 12" x 24". Users may only use materials provided by the lab (1/8" MDF and 1/8" & 1/4" acrylic). Access to the laser cutter is restricted to trained users (see training guide in Links below) and projects for Bioengineering classes which require laser cutting as defined by the Lab Director. Instructors should contact the Lab Staff to arrange use for their students. Please consult the lab staff to gain access to the laser cutter either for training or for general use. Training certifications last through May of each year. Users will need to retrain after each May.
MakerCase: Easy Laser Cut Case Design (Creates SVG file)
Convert SVG files to DXF (can be read by 2D CAD Editor
Converting Solidworks to DWG for Laser cutting
Using the Laser cutter in the lab
Prusa 3D Printer
Prusa 3D printer (Prusa MINI+) by Prusa Research. Build volume: 18 x 18 x 18 cm. Layer height from 0.05 mm with 0.4 mm nozzle for 1.75 mm filament. Material available: PLA (variable colors) and flex filaments (special approve requests only). All printing will be done by Lab Staff and is restricted to projects for Bioengineering classes which require 3D printing, as predefined by the Lab Director. Instructors should contact the Lab Staff to arrange use for their students. See below for printing instructions.
Printing Instructions for the lab
3D Printing design tips & free Modeling software (from Penn Libraries)
3D Printing Training and Workshops (from Penn Libraries)
Sewing Machine
Singer 4452 heavy-duty sewing machine.Â
Cricut Machine
Cricut Explore Air 2. Cuts 100+ materials (including cardstock, vinyl, & iron-on paper)
Treadmill (390Pi) by Pro-Form. Used for human physiological studies.
Software & Other
Biomedical Device Database with the Penn Libraries
Database of biomedical devices that can be checked out and kept.
Colony Count Matlab M-File
Bacteria colony counter program By Naveen Ponnappa, BE '12. A MATLAB m-file that assists with colony-counting on individual plates. Can be applied to numerous spot-counting situations. Instructions included in the m-file comments.
LabVIEW programming language by National Instruments. Software package for rapid prototyping of data acquisition tools.
Laser Printer
Color Laser printer (LaserJet CP4025) by HP.
LoggerPro Software by Vernier. Software package for data analysis using Vernier tools. Bioengineering students can download the software by contacting the lab staff.
LoggerPro website with tutorial videos
Maltab by MathWorks. Software & Programming tool for Engineering, Math & Science.
Photo Studio Box
Photo studio box (HPB-60D) by Havox for taking great pictures for your project. Alternatively known as a light box or camera box. Request from Lab Staff.
Projector (PT-RZ570) by Panasonic. A projector, linked to Station 12 in the main lab. Connections available for a separate laptop. Wireless and network connectivity available through Solstice Pod, which is available on all the Lab PCs. The projector is connected to a speaker system. Controls for the projector in lab can be found next to Station 12.
Serial Cloner
Free software tool for simulating molecular biology.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) software used in the lab. All lab PCs and SEAS PCs have the software. Step-by-step tutorials are available in the link below, as well as under the Help menu in the program itself. Student licenses are available (see below)
Free Download for SEAS StudentsÂ
Wax Printer
Wax color printer (ColorQube 8560 & 8570) by Xerox.