Laser Cutter Training
General Information
Before you can get access to the laser cutter in the lab, you first need to be in a Bioengineering class which requires laser cutting as defined by the Lab Director. Next, you will need to complete a two-stage process to be completely trained on the laser. The two stages CANNOT be completed on the same day.
Training certifications last through May of each year. Users will need to retrain after each May.
Stage 1
Note: This procedure is identical to that used by MEAM. If there is a discrepancy, please inform the Bioengineering Lab Staff immediately. You can use your object drawing to gain access to MEAM's RPL lab.
Use OnShape or SolidWorks to create a model for this shape. You must add a couple of other things to your part. Use Arial font with 18 point size (for SolidWorks) and Allerta Stencil font with the largest dimension of 1.25" (for onshape) to:
Write your Full First Name centered on the top left-hand corner, 0.25'' away from the top edge, and your Full Last Name in the bottom left-hand corner, 0.25'' from the bottom edge.
Write your PennCard Number centered on the top right-hand corner, 0.25'' away from the top edge.
Centered underneath your PennCard Number, put your Penn Card Version. This is the two-digit number following your ID number and should generally start with a '0'.
Write your PennCard Expiration Date centered on the bottom right-hand corner, 0.25'' away from the bottom edge. Note: Expiration date is NOT the day that you will be attending the cutting session, or "today's" date...
Once you are done with your model, convert it into a 2D file.
Use the following color code:
Set the outline of your shape to RED
Set your name and PennCard info to YELLOW
Create a GREEN hatch for the raster area in the middle
In the end, your DWG file should look like this image.
Review the "BE Labs Laser Cutter Usage" Document.
Save the file onto a flash drive or to your Penn Engineering Google Drive (NOT S DRIVE)
ONLY once you have completed steps 1 through 4 completely, you may go to the lab during normal or extended hours (with your flash drive or SEAS Google Drive). Request to the lab staff (wearing lab lanyards) that you would like your training object cut on the laser cutter. Lab Staff will confirm that you have reviewed the laser cut usage document and that your part is correctly colored- if your knowledge seems lacking or your part is incorrectly colored, you will be asked to review the document and/or color code your file and return at a later date.
When you complete the training, Lab staff will review your part, and if you are successful, enter your successful completion of stage 1 into the laser cutter access list
Stage 2
At least one day after completing stage 1, you will need to complete either Press fitting tutorial using Onshape or Press fitting tutorial using SolidWorks
Review the "BE Labs Laser Cutter Usage" Document.
Save the file onto a flash drive or to your Penn Engineering Google Drive (NOT S DRIVE)
ONLY once you have completed steps 1 through 3 completely, you may go to the lab during normal or extended hours (with your flash drive or SEAS Google Drive). Request to the lab staff (wearing lab lanyards) that you would like your training object cut on the laser cutter. Lab Staff will confirm that you have reviewed the laser cut usage document and that your part is correctly colored- if your knowledge seems lacking or your part is incorrectly colored, you will be asked to review the document and/or color code your file and return at a later date.
When you complete the training, Lab staff will review your part, and if you are successful, enter your successful completion of stage 2 into the laser cutter access list.