Laser Cutter Training

General Information

Before you can get access to the laser cutter in the lab, you first need to be in a Bioengineering class which requires laser cutting as defined by the Lab Director. Next, you will need to complete a two-stage process to be completely trained on the laser. The two stages CANNOT be completed on the same day.

Training certifications last through May of each year. Users will need to retrain after each May.

Stage 1

Note: This procedure is identical to that used by MEAM. If there is a discrepancy, please inform the Bioengineering Lab Staff immediately. You can use your object drawing to gain access to MEAM's RPL lab.

When you complete the training, Lab staff will review your part, and if you are successful, enter your successful completion of stage 1 into the laser cutter access list

Stage 2

When you complete the training, Lab staff will review your part, and if you are successful, enter your successful completion of stage 2 into the laser cutter access list.